IFI Global’s podcast library includes interviews with leading players in fund governance, ESG and crypto as well as analysis on trends in ManCo, independent director, domicile and service provider selection for managers.

Latest Episodes

US manager selection decisions for Europe: research results

A presentation of the findings of research conducted by IFI Global with US managers on their selection decisions in European markets.

Biodiversity investment Roundtable

Simon Osborn debates the pros and cons of investing in biodiversity with two of its leading fund managers: Kristen Weldon, Head of Natural Capital, Cibus Capital and C...

Luxembourg Fund Governance Roundtable

Participating in this Luxembourg roundtable were:  Veronica Aroutiunian (VA), Partner, Loyens & Loeff; Timothe Fuchs (TF), CEO, Funds Avenue; Sheenagh Gordon-Hart (SG-...

Forestry Investment Roundtable

Simon Osborn is joined at this roundtable by:Edward Daniels, Team Head Forestry, Aquila Capital; William Johnson, Senior Investment Manager Forestry; Gresham House and...

Irish Fund Governance Roundtable

The NED hosted a podcast roundtable to discuss fund governance in Ireland. This is the second in a series of podcast roundtables that The NED is hosting with the main ...

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